Voip Credit Order Form
IMPORTANT: Please enter EXACT voip username,email from your customer otherwise money will be transferred to the wrong user.
Voip Credit available.Please send voip user id and money to my account,we will instanly transfer to your account the amount of money selected, in credits or you can choose to receive a credit voucher code (via email),Ukash voucher that you can redeem yourself in your account. You're guaranteed to receive the credit within few minutes. thanks for using our services
Please attach your bank payment slip copy to my Order form
Rechargenow online shop share our Website with your friends......
Voip Credit Rates:-

10,20,30,50 Euro Betamax & Dellmont:-
* 1Euro=175LKR

10,20,30,50 Us$ TelBo,Voip Raider:-
* 1Us$=135LKR

10,20,30,50 Euro Ukash:-
* 1Euro=170LKR

10,20,30,50 Euro Skype:-
* 1Euro=175LKR

When you are buying vouhers from us then do not enter yahoo emails,our mail server has problem sending emails to yahoo, use some different
emails instead of yahoo.We suggest you to use gmail hotmail and many other, yahoo has a very strongspamm filter and it is not good for receiving Vouchers.

01.Your Name
02.Your Email Address
04.Voip User Name or Empty
05.Voip Software Name
10.Your Phone Number
12.Payment Slip Copy or Empty
13.Recharge Information